Baltic Workboats AS has a strong track record for the design, build and delivery of steel and aluminum workboats for professionals around the world.
“Our design, engineering and construction teams are delivering workboats with proven designs around the world. These vessels fulfill the customer’s needs, providing them an even safer, more efficient and environmentally friendly product – a workboat that just performs in many sea conditions.
They work because they’ve been built, they’ve been tested, and they’ve proved they’re seaworthy performance in real-life situations. We’ve taken a new approach to the workboat industry. Baltic Workboats wave-piercing technology is making a significant difference, providing unrivaled seakeeping in high seas and reliability that is unmatched.”
– Margus Vanaselja, CEO
Baltic Workboats is a modern, well-equipped shipyard with a highly skilled workforce of over 200 people. During the two decades we’ve delivered more than 200 highly versatile vessels. Designed and built for the demands of governments, research institutions and multinational companies in over 20 countries worldwide. We’ve been granted both the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certificates and continue to develop our production quality and efficiency through an enhanced set of standards and management processes. The beautiful island of Saaremaa is home to our state-of the-art indoor production facility. Situated in the Baltic sea and renowned for its shipbuilding heritage over many thousands of years, Saaremaa has proven to be the ideal home for our operation.
Baltic Workboats vast, state-of-the-art 6,200 square meter shipyard facilities are located in the Baltic Sea on the island of Saaremaa in Estonia, which is renowned for its shipbuilding heritage for hundreds of years in Europe. At Baltic Workboats, we have brought shipbuilding into the 21st Century with a major modernization programme, complete with considerable new investments in facilities, equipment and skills.
Baltic Workboats HQ is located in Nasva, Estonia.
Nasva Harbour
Sadama tee 26, Nasva
93872 Saaremaa, Estonia
Baltic Workboats US LLC.
5600 Commerce Street, 33616 Tampa
Florida USA